So I built my base mesh in Blender, exported to zbrush for smoothing, bevel, fine details etc, an now exported back to blender. Never touched any scaling setting but.... we done f**ked up. LMAO someone tell me what went wrong. That tiny speck there is the lowpoly and the giant is the highpoly from zbrush.
After watching a few videos on scaling, units, conversions etc etc etc...and experimenting with no luck...I tried exporting as an .fbx vs an .obj and magically all is well. .fbx was perfect scale in blender with out having to change anything or do any math haha. So I apologize for posting cuz I figured it out. Phew!
ah could quite possibly just be import obj settings in blender then?
Zbrush scales your model by the numbers in this menu when you export it. If you make an OBJ in another program and import it into zbrush you'll see that it automatically sets the scale in the export menu. Sometimes people will import an OBJ but then reset this menu somehow. This leads to problems like you have above.
My suggestion is to export a copy of the original model from blender and then import it into a new zbrush file. Now have a look at the export settings and write them down. Then open the other model and set the export settings to match those numbers.