Hello everyone. Thank you so much for lending me some of your time. I've run into this problem every time I tried to animate any attack with a melee weapon.
Every time I animate an arc with the character's arm it starts jittering left and right and sometimes even up and down, like this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F61F4VH3tVc - the video has sound so just ignore it, it shows a bit more than the gif
I'm animating with IKs and the Rig is made with the plugin called "Auto-Rig Pro", and I'm also using 2.8.
Is this something I can fix with the graph? Should I just be animating this kind of motion with FK instead of IK?
I'm really lost here and I'm having this problem in every single gameplay animation I'm doing, so it's getting really frustrating

Thank you once again.
I would probably prefer animating this motion with FK.