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[UE4] Dynamic bounce lighting scene (non-RTX)

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teodar23 sublime tool

This is a scene that I've been working on the past week.  Inspiration is obviously the UE5 demo.
It is meant to showcase my pseudo GI solution. I know this is the 3d art sub-forum so i wont go into details about that.

So, nothing fancy, just a heavy use of megascans assets (>90%). I started by importing the assets and creating a few master materials and for each asset a material instance. The assets colorization didn't quite match with each other in some cases, so i used a tileable texture (used scale-dependent-tiling) to tint the base color of almost all assets, and also give more detail to the assets. Also added a layer of dust on top of that (pun intended), meaning on the up facing surfaces (z-normal blending).
Then, i started placing them around to see if the lod 0 that they come in is sufficiently detailed and decided that it wasn't. Wanted to use tessellation on some of them but kinda forgot. I ended up liking the placement and went with it. Maybe i'll try to enable tessellation on them at some point, but for the purpose of this demo i think 2 mil polys is enough.
The floor is a custom mesh, heavy tessellated and using material functions with material layer blending (through vertex painting). Also, it uses dithered blending through pixel depth offsetting (witch forced me to turn off shadowing on the mesh).

I know the scene is somewhat lacking in all departments and can be pushed to look even more amazing-ly :P but, as i said, the scope of this exercise was to test some sweet dynamic bounced lighting.
For those interested in the lighting system, its still in development and will be soon on the marketplace.



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