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What's up guys, how's it going?
My name is João Neto, I'm an environment artist from Brazil. I'm starting this scene for mentoring with Thiago Klafke (Minos), with the purpose of learning and improving my perceptions of creation and design of scenarios for games. The civilization / scifi style are a combination that I really like, creating something that it doesn't exist and bringing a rich and exuberant atmosphere is something that I find incredible.
In this environment I am using Unreal Engine 4 | 3dsMAX for this blocking. I prefer to use Zbrush, substance painter and the designer, which is one of the software that I most need to learn.

Thank you very much and take care.

I selected some angles that I liked, which covers the whole scenario, both indoor and outdoor, here are some.





  • Minos
    Offline / Send Message
    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Great progress so far João, looking forward to seeing the final piece :D 
  • Crazy_pixel
    Offline / Send Message
    Crazy_pixel interpolator
    Yeah that looks interesting I like the tentakles in the background .. could imagine this temple was some kind of sacrificial altar for a giant beast ...
  • JoãoNeto
    Thanks man, it sounded very interesting, something Lovecraft atmosphere hehehe.

  • JoãoNeto
    First updates to the blocking process!


    - On these exteriors, I created a more concise city, added a fog to start imagining the effect of distance and atmosphere.

    In this angle, which is one of my favorites, Thiago gave me a tip to add an ocean to the distance, I removed some elements to make it cleaner and the portal to be in evidence. 

    I adjusted and created a clearer idea of this area, which will be a kind of chamber, replaced the circular shapes and retained the angles of 90 degrees, and added more movement to the structures, trying to direct the view more towards the center, to show more artifact. in the scene. 

    I created this view that shows more of the antechamber and shows the horizon. 

  • JoãoNeto

    How are you guys? Another update of my mentoring project with Thiago Klafke.


    Updated angles with the blocks closest to the final result, I added fog to help the composition and already have a good atmosphere to work.

     In the internal area of the antechamber, I added volumetric light entering, the ceiling will be broken into parts in ruins, hence the sun will have access, and thus generating a cooler atmosphere. 

    In the chamber, Thiago gave me several ideas and improvements to accentuate the grandeur of the place and generate greater importance to the artifact. The volumetric light was also good in the idea I have in mind.

     In this angle, to compose more and improve the atmosphere, Thiago passed this idea of adding an ocean to the bottom.

    In this new angle, I created a type of terrace, for the initial portal that gives access to the bridge.


    Thanks guys, I hope you are enjoying the scene and be well!

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