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Freelancing with pirated software

polycounter lvl 5
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Ottomotto polycounter lvl 5
Has anyone ever run into issues with this? I intend to get all the software I use eventually, but I cant use student versions anymore since they've either expired at this point, and don't allow for commercial use anyway, and I need to earn some money first before I can afford any software I need. 

Any chance this could come back and bite me in the ass?


  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    yea it could come back to bite you. Ideally you should be including your software costs in the overall rate you charge. this means you probably can't freelance for 5-10 bucks an hour like some people do in a race to the bottom when bidding on jobs. 

    another option would be to use free software like blender for most of your 3d work, substance is like 20 bucks a month and that covers your material/texture creation needs. 

    this is usually why I tell juniors to get some studio experience first, as often times the only freelance gigs they can score are super lowball with highly picky clients that want the world delivered to them for pennys on the dollar. Artists with a few shipped titles under their belt can easily justify charging a way higher rate and more often than not will be dealing with higher end clients who are willing to pay more and be far less nit picky overall. 

    another way to go about it is to have a day job that actually provides a livable income and can give you enough to cover your software costs, and then freelance on the side to get some experience, even though its probably not going to bring in a ton of income if you are first starting out. 

    you have to think of it as investing in yourself and running an actual business, instead of just a way to bring in some cash. I can pretty much guarantee you that most artists who use pirated software in the beginning rarely ever end up paying for actual licences later on, because they are stuck in a scarce mindset around money and just looking to short term make some cash, and feel like they can get away with it. 

    your rates should ideally include: 
    - costs to run the business like software, hardware upgrades over time, accountant fees, electricity bill etc
    - your cost of living salary to cover your daily expenses (food, rent etc)
    - health insurance payments (depending on where you live)
    - dont forget about taxes that you will need to set aside from client work

    Calculate how much all that stuff costs per month and divide that into an hourly rate, and that's roughly the MINIMUM you should be charging. If you cant find clients who will pay your minimum fee, chances are you don't want to work for anyone lowballing below that, it will only be a ton of headaches for very little gain. at that point I would rather spend my time working on my own portfolio for free, creating stuff i can actually show to get a higher paying studio job,  rather than try and freelance below minimum wage.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    one thing you are probably doing already is making a lot of models for practice. put all of them on the big 3d stores. don't stress about the quality being perfect, just get them done and on the stores. Over time this will help offset the cost of your software.

  • Ottomotto
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    Ottomotto polycounter lvl 5
    Ive got some of the software I use like substance and marmoset. Im pretty much just missing zbrush, and currently debating whether I should pay up for maya/max or switch to blender. So its only zbrush I really need to get a fully legal workflow going. 

    The main reason why im asking is because I've had a few offers come in for freelance gigs. Doing one of them alone would cover zbrush for me. So Im wondering if I should decline and save for the odd month or just bite the bullet, do the job on pirated software, and then I can actually get zbrush. 

    Strictly from a practical sense, theres no way anyone could find out from an fbx file anything about the software right? 
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    Its usually a don't ask don't tell approach that I have personally seen happening while contracting even for legitimate (registered) studios.

    To your question perhaps there may be a way for them to trace the origin of a file to its source and to the pirated software that was used, though usually its not the file that lets them know you used pirated software.

    Like yes there is embedded meta data, but you'd first have to understand the economics at work to call out a piracy attempt.

    As a small time independent contractor there is very little incentive to a company to confront you directly, though they might approach the company that contracts you and usually the way they work around it is by 3rd partying the software to a no name contractor then running it clean through a licensed version, with the end user being the company with the license (even if its just one individual that has it)

    Often the end product is an image, or a sequence of images (video) so the actual file source doesn't actually exist.

    Mind you they see this as just a practical cost effective way of doing business, when I was in India every company that was used as third party to many major developers in the western world used pirated software for their employees, in film and in games. 

    One of the additional reasons third party is willing to do this is because there is little incentive to using legitimate software in terms of tax credits and having to absorb a high operating cost (in USD, since software prices aren't usually subsidised by country/region)
    So they gravitate to using pirated software.

    I'm pretty sure nothing has changed in that regard. If and when it gets out, it is easy to liquidate them and start fresh. 

    But this is the way they go around it and honestly it doesn't make any sense to a software company to prosecute the license owner as they look at it as having sold the main office say 20 network multiplatform licenses vs 200 or so pirated licenses in some third world country or faceless contractor trapped under an NDA for life.

    Its why I usually see it as suspect when I hear of a project being made 3rd party completely in blender.
    Like sure it was used somewhere in the pipeline alongside all the pirated software.
    Really depends on the scale of the project. As in making something for portfolio to get work in the industry, its not like you're they're going to check if you pirated software for an art test.

    Again not condoning piracy, just giving an idea of how much of the industry operates.
    For larger brand name companies in the west, they have to use legitimate software on the studio floor and usually get it at a fraction of the cost. In the end it is a tax deductible expense for the employer.

    For smaller independent contractors who care, the subscription licenses are a good way to factor in software costs for the duration of a project. Usually I bundle up projects over a month and run a subscription for any software that requires it for the duration.
    Then I write the amount off on taxes for the year.

    Sometimes the studio may extend their license to me as an additional user, and then they factor in the cost on their side. 
    More often then not they don't really want to know what I did to get them the end result, they trust that I know how to do business.

    Personally I feel that the older versions of softwares ought to be free, then again this will likely cripple the company since there is not that much innovation/features that warrant an upgrade.
    For example 3DS max 2011, 2014, 2016. 2018 and 2020 all have enough usability to do what you need to get a model into engine using that software.

    Same for Maya, the pipeline really hasn't changed that much on this side.
    Substance painter/designer has certainly revolutionised texturing or there is quixel as an alternative.
    Dynamesh and Zremesher really upped the ante for zbrush, there are more useful features for specific tasks in the later versions, but these 2 really made a world of a difference to improving my process. 

  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    Yeah, I would suggest just not doing that. Learn a software you can currently afford to invest in or can legally use for free, and use that to make work until you can afford to purchase something better if you still need to, or until your skill is sufficient enough that you land a gig that incorporates the cost of software into the rate. Everyone else made good points, pros and cons, explained it clearly... so I'm gonna be the voice of reason here and say... just don't do that. :p
  • Eric Chadwick
    Sorry, but the OP is banned.

    We forbid the promotion of software piracy here on Polycount. See the Introduction sticky in General Discussion for details.

    Clearly you are continuing to use pirated software, as your rigging topic indicates.

    Others should feel free to discuss piracy. However, using and/or promoting pirated software cannot be allowed.

    If anyone wishes to discuss/dispute the ban, please feel free to contact us via email helpdesk@polycount.com
  • Eric Chadwick
    Discussing with moderation team, we'll reverse the ban, and issue a stern warning instead. Perhaps a bit hasty, on second thought. Better to educate.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    I think that's a sensible approach Eric. 

    Promoting the use of pirated software is clearly not appropriate but I feel like the question as it is posed is not unreasonable.   I imagine it goes through most fresh graduate's minds when they head out into the real world. 

    In answer to the question... 

    Can you get away with it? Maybe (ask crytek ;)

    Should you do it? 
    Fuck no, it's theft and  no different from pirating a game (which I'm sure is something we would all agree is wrong) 
    Factor the cost in when you set your rates or learn to use blender.. 
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    if there was no other option for poorer people I'd say don't get caught, but as mentioned you have so many free and cheap alternatives there is no reason to take risk . Even the big autodesk programs really aren't too expensive all things considered. It's like grocery money each month.

  • garcellano
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    garcellano greentooth
    I had an issue similar to this. I do remember just stressing out if it'll bite me in the back, if I went the other route. I had an Autodesk Educational/Student license way back, it was for a suite, with Max, Maya, Motion Builder and a few other programs. This had to be around 2009 or 2010. I was able to get a full license, but only for one program, and chose Maya. I used that and Photoshop, through an older license. I think this was before Creative Cloud was a thing. I was only working on simple, mobile, low-poly art back then, so it was doable with just Maya and Photoshop. Since then, I never really looked back.

    This was when I was in QA back then, and did some more freelance work on the side. As much as I didn't like being in QA, it gave me some room to get this all sorted out. After that, I bought a license for ZBrush, and I think that was enough to start off with. Maya LT starting kicking in around 2010 or 2011 I think. I stopped doing freelance work around that time. I did it again back in 2016 through 2019. By then, I already had what I needed, and only signed up for monthly subscriptions.

    But for your case, try getting a license. Look into the costs, monthly or yearly.
    It'll be less of a worry the moment you have it. I think you can also add them down when you file your taxes, because freelance is technically self-employment.
  • Zi0
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    Zi0 polycounter
    If you want to freelance you need to invest in equipment/software before you can get to work just like a bakery needs to buy ovens before they can start baking bread. Blender is free and can do a lot otherwise Maya LT is not super expensive. Photoshop is $10 a month. I hope you dont need Zbrush because that one is expensive.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    but so far zbrush has always been free in updates. for my personal license, which i won in 2004, i didnt have to pay a single cent.

    but even if i bought it back then, that would be 16 years of usuage now. at it's current ~900 USD that would be ~60 Dollar a year, or 5 dollar a month so far. considering that and that i do not use blender, its pretty much the cheapest deal overall.

    Regarding autodesk products, depending on where you are, check if the indie versions are an option. for all our european freelancers i hope it will become a thing soon as well. Those are 250 a year, not per month.
  • Ottomotto
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    Ottomotto polycounter lvl 5
    I didnt know indie licences are available for 3dsmax and maya, thats really good to know and pretty affordable
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    Neox said:
    but so far zbrush has always been free in updates. for my personal license, which i won in 2004, i didnt have to pay a single cent.

    but even if i bought it back then, that would be 16 years of usuage now. at it's current ~900 USD that would be ~60 Dollar a year, or 5 dollar a month so far. considering that and that i do not use blender, its pretty much the cheapest deal overall.

    Regarding autodesk products, depending on where you are, check if the indie versions are an option. for all our european freelancers i hope it will become a thing soon as well. Those are 250 a year, not per month.
    Whats the deal with using older versions of Autodesk products in Europe?
     I know they don't sell them, and its difficult to buy a legit licensed copy.
    Also if you have an old copy, I'd read that they stopped supporting them exclusively. The force you to get the subscription also


  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Iirc aurodesk support only covers two years prior to the current version.  Its probably negotiable if you buy enough licenses though
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    NikhilR said:
    Whats the deal with using older versions of Autodesk products in Europe?
     I know they don't sell them, and its difficult to buy a legit licensed copy.
    Also if you have an old copy, I'd read that they stopped supporting them exclusively. The force you to get the subscription also


    I personally work in Max 2011, i really don't care about support.
  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    Maya and Max Indie are in the works, worldwhide. 
    A month or two away i assume.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Anybody got a link to info about maya indie? I couldnt find anything specific on autodesk website other than that it will exist. the only link from landing page goes straight to shopping cart...

    My main concern, is it going to be like LT (i.e., not have all the stuff I need)
  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    Its the exact same as Maya. No limits beside its for single user only. 
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character

    Neox said:
    I personally work in Max 2011, i really don't care about support.
    Hah, I also won my Max license (in 2001). That was really cool of them (Discreet back then) to hand out full commercial ones and not this NFR stuff. Also stopped updating at Max 2011. :)

    Won Photoshop too but forgot to tell them that I was really used to the english version. Unbrauchbare Sch**sse!
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