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Dissertation ideas for final year project

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Hello there,

I am currently in my final year of uni and I'm about to write 
my dissertation (BA). I'm currently struggling with my idea as i don't think it is strong enough and would like to ask you for a little help if you have already undergone it. My FMP (Final Major Project) is split into two sections, the practical and the written. For my practical i am creating a 3D Futuristic Cyberpunk Environment based in Tokyo and closely following the IP of Jet Set Radio. For the written side I need to record and display my findings, however I'm not sure if i should display them as a how to guide or...well that's it tbh.

My problem is that i am not sure how to go about writing this.

So if you've been through the same problem or know anyone who has i would much appreciate any advice you could send this way.

Thank you. 

P.S Sorry if this is unclear i tried my best to make it make sense


  • Zi0
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    Zi0 polycounter
    Well you need to pick something you want to research and implement that in the practical part of this assignment and later write on how you did all the research for implementing this certain thing. Think of things like environmental storytelling etc, you could tell a story with your environment and write on how you achieved it. For inspiration take a look at the GDC youtube channel, they have a lot of videos that talk about these kind of topics, for instance:


  • Yoscos_Art
    Hi there Zio, thank you for your help! I will take a look at the video and see what i can do with that. Sorry for the late reply I had no idea someone actually saw this and commented.
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