Hello there,
I am currently in my final year of uni and I'm about to write my dissertation (BA). I'm currently struggling with my idea as i don't think it is strong enough and would like to ask you for a little help if you have already undergone it. My FMP (Final Major Project) is split into two sections, the practical and the written. For my practical i am creating a 3D Futuristic Cyberpunk Environment based in Tokyo and closely following the IP of Jet Set Radio. For the written side I need to record and display my findings, however I'm not sure if i should display them as a how to guide or...well that's it tbh.
My problem is that i am not sure how to go about writing this.
So if you've been through the same problem or know anyone who has i would much appreciate any advice you could send this way.
Thank you.
P.S Sorry if this is unclear i tried my best to make it make sense