About Us:
We are creating a service for Sons, Daughters, and Spouses around the world to celebrate their Father / Husband through art. Normal photos taken from your typical smart phone are shared with us, and converted into a completely different, and trendy watercolor style.
What We Need:We are seeking an individual or studio who can transform a normal photo with an action script to achieve the base watercolor effect, then use your experience to craft the final touches, and title the image with "Happy Father's Day" in a suitable font.
The action script is meant to reduce the time required per photo, however if you are comfortable using your own talents alone, that is acceptable. We are aiming to see multiple photos completed within a single hour ( 2 - 3 min) because of the expected volume of requests, but depending on your results, we may adjust these expectations to allow for better quality work.
The follow is a stock image demonstrating past work for Mother's Day.

- Find stock photos online or use the examples in our
dropbox- Convert 3 or more into a watercolor version of the photo.
- Remember to title each photo with "Happy Father's Day" in a font & style of your choice
- Cast the finished photo onto a mock up. You may download one of our PSD from same
dropbox link above (See Vertical-MockUp1.psd).
- Track your time required to complete one.
- Submit your files here:
[Dropbox Link]- Send an email to founder@luvr.com if you are interested with your rate and link to portfolio. Include [Polycount] in your email header.
- Freelancer: Per Hour
- Studio: Per photo
- May 28th (Please submit all files before then)
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask via dm or my email above.