hello everyone
so i had this issue when i try to bake the model i seem to have an issue with the normal map always, im not sure why, the model have multiple parts and it all named with suffix _low for lowpoly parts and _high for highpoly parts the normal map bleeds on certain parts on the model even if i use match by name on substance painter still gives me the same issue, and when i tried to bake that piece alone just to test out, it works perfectly fine but when i export all the model and bake i get that problem.
this is what i get on this part
and on this one i get this bleed.
PS: Dont mind the edges im baking at low res just to test out first and trying to figure this issue out!
So you set the cage and enable use-cage and it doesn't use the cage? No matter which model you bake? In this case you have a very special substance painter installer.
Regarding ray distances: They are relative to the bounding box. So if you bake just one piece the bounding box is probably smaller and so are the absolute ray distances