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3ds Max chamfer and smoothing issue

polycounter lvl 5
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cgBrad polycounter lvl 5
Having chamfer and smoothing issues on my model just in a few places and I can't figure out why I'm getting the result I am. I've check for any kind of duplicate face/edge/vertex and anything I can think of but still not sure.

Basically the bevel ends up kind of weird and when you smooth it it's like the top/out face is wrapping around the corner.

Any thoughts on how to fix would be greatly appreciated.

The original geo:

The resulting bevel, bevel looks kind of weird

The resulting smoothing error

Non-wireframe version


  • Ghogiel
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    Ghogiel greentooth
    That's an expected result based on your topology. You can probably get something working with just the chamfer modifier. Turn off min angle and allow loops to traverse across some of the flat surfaces if you have to.

  • guitarguy00
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    guitarguy00 polycounter lvl 6
    You might need some additional support loops there. Chamfer modifier does help alot in making the high poly but is not a one-click solution alot of the time.
  • cgBrad
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    cgBrad polycounter lvl 5
    Ghogiel said:
    That's an expected result based on your topology. You can probably get something working with just the chamfer modifier. Turn off min angle and allow loops to traverse across some of the flat surfaces if you have to.

    Appreciate the answer. I have turned off min angle but it made no difference. I had considered running an edge upward, the question I guess is where would you run the edge? If I just run an edge upward (as much as possible) it does solve the corner but does leave me with another smoothing error to get around on the edge where it connects.

    New edge upward:

    new error:

  • cgBrad
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    cgBrad polycounter lvl 5
    By unsmoothing the new edge there is no noticeable smoothing error at the op. There is still minor pinching in the original corner but not badly. Still wondering others opinions on how to handle the situation. Following a tutorial (ChamferZone's Ultimate weapon) but some times the topology seems to not work out.
  • cgBrad
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    cgBrad polycounter lvl 5
    You might need some additional support loops there. Chamfer modifier does help alot in making the high poly but is not a one-click solution alot of the time.

    I'm always interested in learning the science of where. The tutorial I'm following, the presenter is always tying to minimize his polycount, and arguably I think too much in some cases as I'm not able to get the same results he is.
  • guitarguy00
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    guitarguy00 polycounter lvl 6
    cgBrad said:
    You might need some additional support loops there. Chamfer modifier does help alot in making the high poly but is not a one-click solution alot of the time.

    I'm always interested in learning the science of where. The tutorial I'm following, the presenter is always tying to minimize his polycount, and arguably I think too much in some cases as I'm not able to get the same results he is.
    Add the loop to the high poly only. Don't keep it on the low poly. Check your smoothing groups so that they are not creating a chamfer on that section you pointed out.
  • Ghogiel
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    Ghogiel greentooth
    Firstly, to just mention it, you don't need to give a profile to the chamfer in this case I expect (changing tension), it might be easier to just use control edges and not actually alter the edge shape that bevels add if you are struggling with what to do with control edges.

    But to solve the loop running to where it might cause other issues, just terminate the edge on a planar surface. As long as it's locked in by control loops you can do just about anything with it, including leaving it an ngon. (since low poly was mentioned I assume the high is just for baking so it really doesn't matter what you do with the edge as long as it works for the purpose)

    The only difference between what you initially did and the above, is I just moved the edges being pulled into the center when subDing away from the edge/corner with an extra controll loop. It does the same pulling, but it does it where I want and topology is mostly irrelevent as it's a flat surface.
  • coven
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    coven polycounter lvl 6
    I would also recommend using either uniform, radial or patch mitering. Looks like you are a newer version of Max. The quad and tri are very old algorithms that we kept in for legacy purposes.
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