It's a pretty accurate and faithful recreation of a mac 10 but the texturing could use more work.
There's the technical stuff like the plastic texture tiling being visible, and everything feeling "low-res-ish",etc
But I think that's just minor nit picky stuff that's kinda easy to solve
The main issue with the model is the texture's being bland. And I think they're bland because good up close references of used mac 10s are hard to come by.
Rock Island Auctions's.... auctions and other gun auction sites, tend to have some really high quality images of guns. Some really nice high quality jpegs with all the grease, splashes, marks,etc all in full display ready for you to replicate in substance painter
Well the metal doesnt look like metal. I cant tell you how to fix it because idk your material setup, but i suggest starting with lowering the roughness and see what you get. Also increase metallic, at least on the edges.
I feel like you
can push the textures a bit more, like it could use more roughness
variation break up the surface. You should also play around with the
blending modes on your layers too, especially when it comes with
roughness and maybe even colors too. That plastic grip could use one
or two layers of white noise to make it stand out a bit more in the
roughness and color variation. Suppressor and fabric could also use
more color and roughness variation, maybe some slight brushed lines
on the Suppressor too. Some slight contrast and grease wouldn't hurt
either to add.
It's a massive improvement from the first but like everyone else already pointed it, it needs to be less rough, and have a bit more roughness variation
Oh and, this might come in handy with the stamped text.
Thanks guys for feedback , I lowered the roughness, I tried to add more roughness variation, I guess I fixed the grip now, I also increased roughness and added slight tint of grey color to the suppressor, I thought it was a good idea tell me what you think and I used the video above for the stamped text ---it looks a lot better thanks . but I'm still having problems with the fabric. I used just the smart material from substance and made some adjustments to it and now I tried to add some roughness variation but I don't know what to think about it.
Also increase metallic, at least on the edges.
I feel like you can push the textures a bit more, like it could use more roughness variation break up the surface. You should also play around with the blending modes on your layers too, especially when it comes with roughness and maybe even colors too. That plastic grip could use one or two layers of white noise to make it stand out a bit more in the roughness and color variation. Suppressor and fabric could also use more color and roughness variation, maybe some slight brushed lines on the Suppressor too. Some slight contrast and grease wouldn't hurt either to add.
but I'm still having problems with the fabric. I used just the smart material from substance and made some adjustments to it and now I tried to add some roughness variation but I don't know what to think about it.