Hey! I'm a programmer, not an artist, and I just spent the last few months supporting the development of a tiny (and, finally, published!) VR title.
We're a two-person team, and neither one of us had loads of experience in the visual side of game development. So, I guess I'm looking to expand my horizons a bit... have VR-based tools changed the way you make art? Do VR games call for different models/shaders? Or are things more or less the same?
If you're doing VR properly (ie making an effort to stop people puking) then there is a significant impact on the details of how things need to be implemented. This seems to be brushed under the carpet by most developers (probably because they aren't prepared to spend the money my last studio did on 'human trials')
Ah. I'm not surprised - so much in VR seems like a proof of concept more than a fully-functioning tool - but I'm kinda bummed. The problem of the "huge square thing on your head" is real...
I think we got away with this for a while by embracing more restrictive forms of movement (blink-based snap-turn, slow-walking) and vision (really, really dark environments). We were lucky to have a premise (horror in a dusky hedge maze) that didn't call for more... this time
So: setting aside nausea management and the added expense of some shaders... things haven't changed much. Good to know. Thanks for the education!
some thoughts...
The main thing that affects how believable an environment seems is how consistent the scale of things is at every level of detail. That leads into comfort too - if your brain believes the environment is plausible you're less likely to puke on your shoes. This doesn't mean you have to make everything realistic scale, just that it needs to be consistent.
It is well worth using the headset for reviewing layouts and getting a feel for the space your in and using apps like tiltbrush can help a lot with concepting and design work - its a very fluid way to start feeling out how big spaces want to be etc.
But yeah, once it comes to actual production work, not much different except needing to optimize a bit more aggressively.