Man I cannot figure this out. When I go to start a new animatiob on frame 80 and freeze my transform my rig flips upsidedown and when I flip it right side up it inverts all of my previous key frames. The most recent thing I did was add the main controller at the bottom but i immediately froze that transform.
I have all of the controllers selected in a selection set labeled "controllers" for easy selecting. If anybody can assist me in figuring out why I would great appreciate it. I had a similar thread where I solved it by freezing in auto-key mode but that doesn't work here. PLEASE help.
Edit: clarified my question for accuracy and made the file public. No clue why it made itself private by default.
If you Freeze Transform on an object without a parent (the hip controller) basically the World is the parent. So if you add a parent later (the master controller), that parent's pivot needs to be aligned to the World. If it's not aligned to the world, you are effectively flipping the axis of all the animations and they won't work anymore.
Best advice I have is to go to a previous file before you started animating. Freeze Transforms again on all animation controllers. And start your animations over.
And just to be certain, the only objects pivot that needs to be adjusted is the main controllers? Just want to make sure I don't need to worry about the foot or hip controllers.