I'm making a fan art model of this concept art by Oscar Cafaro for my portfolio. I don't have so many props so I wanted to start this to add it to my portfolio. This is the reference:

I've started the prop modeling, with the main pieces. here's some progress:

Tomorrow I will add a face basemesh to get the goggles in the right position. Also, I didn't want to make the prop 1:1 as the concept. Because I don't like the batteries on the side or the way they are connected to the flashlight. They have no sense for me, either the antenna. So I will add my own style there.
See you tomorrow!
I put the batteries up to test, to make them as the concept art. But I don't like this position either the way they are connected to the flashlight. They have no sense for me. So I think I will change them in future days.
Have a nice day!
Now it's retopology time! My goal isn't a really low poly model. So I will try to stay around 30k-40k tris. Also, I have to start to think about the UDIMS or texture sets. I don't know what texel density I need so... I will have to test. But maximum I want two texture sets. I don't want to lose detail with this prop.
See you!
Now, the low poly model has 36.246 tris. It's inside the polycount budget I said the other day. I want the model to have detail and not to be able to see the edges of the polys or the circles. That's the reason why I think I will make two 4K UDIMS. Tomorrow I will continue doing the UVs and all the baking process.
See you!!
I did the normal and ambient occlusion maps in xNormal and position, curvature, thickness and world space in Substance Painter baker. I wanted to do the baking of the AO in xNormal because from my point of view is better, it has better shadows and grayscales. Also, in Painter, I had some normals errors and AO errors from some meshes shadowing others. So xNormal was my perfect option for the normal and AO maps.
Now it's texturing time, my next post will be the final results. Wish me luck!