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Sketchbook: LittleOwl

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LittleOwl triangle
I'm learning to draw so here is my sketchbook :)

I really want to learn as much as possible so I am happy to be critiqued. I'm a beginner so this will all be kinda bad until I get better. :P Currently my focus has mostly been on gesture and a lot of these drawings are very quick (30 seconds - 2 minutes). I've also been drawing more 3D forms like boxes and cylinders and trying to apply them to more objects but I don't have as many of those to show right now.

I'm open to any advice so please tell me if you have anything that would help me improve! ^^ 


  • LittleOwl
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    LittleOwl triangle
    This week I have been doing more gesture drawing and practicing the robo-bean from the Proko course. Still finding this pretty difficult, especially for poses that have a twist so need to practice more.

    The house I drew whilst following along with one of Trent Kaniuga's drawing tutorials, but I've started workinng on one of my own little environments so I can practice what I learned from it.

  • LittleOwl
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    LittleOwl triangle
    More gestures over the last few days, and I've started to practice mannequinization for this week

  • LittleOwl
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    LittleOwl triangle
    More mannequins and gestures. Also attempted drawing some moving models which was pretty challenging x)

  • LittleOwl
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    LittleOwl triangle
    Before I move onto some of the next parts of the Proko course I want to practice some of the previous material a bit more and also look at other figure drawing resources. This week I've been trying to simplify quicker gesture drawings to fewer lines and I've been watching some of the Love Life Drawing videos on beginner figure drawing. Started work on the 100 rib cage challenge, I'll try and do about 20 a day

  • LittleOwl
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    LittleOwl triangle
    Haven't posted for a while because I've been looking at where I am having the most difficulty and I feel like I am struggling with construction and perspective... just generally thinking in 3D. For now I'm going to pause Proko (although I will continue to do gesture as warm-up) and I'm going to work through Drawabox. I did actually complete Drawabox a few years ago but I stopped drawing for too long and I think doing the course again will really help (it definitely helped the last time I did it). I think I still have some of the old drawings for that so maybe I'll post those here for comparison on my second journey through the course. :)

    Other than gestures and Drawabox I've started to play around with Sketchbook Pro a bit. Did a doodle of Sonic :P and some skulls. I also recently found the perspective tools in this so I will have a play with that and see what I can make.

  • LittleOwl
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    LittleOwl triangle
    Dug up some of my old Drawabox work. Definitely got way too distracted by details I think. When I make it to the later lessons I will put more effort into construction and hopefully will improve on what I did last time.

  • Solsilafan
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    Solsilafan quad damage
    Your sense to learning aligned with the use of fundamentals seems to produce a pleasant gallery, please keep it up : )
  • Elithenia
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    Elithenia polycounter
    Glad to see this coming along!
  • LittleOwl
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    LittleOwl triangle
    @FranArchie & @Elithenia Thank you both ^^

    This week I've finished of the remainder of the lesson 1 exercises for Drawabox. Also been playing around with vector a bit.

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