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Looking for someone to learn Gameplay Programming in Unreal Engine 4 from.

Hello, I am 17 y.o. and I want to learn Gameplay Programming in Unreal Engine 4 from someone. The reason is that I can't wrap my mind around how, for example, hit-boxes are made and there's not many tutorials or information in the internet and I understood that there's many stuff like this. So I decided to give it a try and find somebody to learn from. If you are willing to donate me some knowledge, reply me here.


  • Maficious
    Obviously I don't have any work experience, but I am familiar with Unreal Engine 4, Photoshop, Blender, a bit Maya.
  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 19
    Hi Maficious,
     I’d really suggest you look into learning blueprint first as it’s a great way to get a handle on some of the basic programming concepts like booleans, loops, variables, etc. There are a few really good YouTube channels such as TeslaDev and Matthew Wadstien that have a load of free tutorials. After you get the basics down, I’d suggest you look into paid videos like what’s on offer at Udemy. They have a few courses in learning C++ specifically for Unreal 4. They go on sale several times a year for up to 90% off. I bought the unreal c++ vids myself for about $15
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