Hi there!
I wanted to know what are Your opinions on Maya? Mainly if you are having such problems with this software as I have.
For starters I need to say that I really love maya's modeling workflow, tools and my favourite - pie menus. But as I have worked with Maya for about 7 years now I really started to hate Maya...
This software is the most unstable and unreliable piece of crap that I ever worked on. Maya can just crash anytime. Even on empty space with cube, I select face then extrude and it's 50-50. Maybe it will crash maybe not. I need to save before any action because I just don't know what will happen next... So my question is do you also have this sort of problems:
- crashes very often, even on most basic actions like extrude 1 face, undo etc.
- wipes materials from mesh and leave basic green material
- when I work on uv's, Maya is moving verts on my mesh... Like HOW is that even possible?
- history that is not working and only make thing worse like soft is very slow, need to clear it every few actions, need to clear all garbage that is left in outliner because you never know what maya keeps in those transforms and when it will blow up
- all those stupid situations like you have 2 verts and somehow maya can produce multiple edges between those 2 verts
- blocking half of the tools if maya detects that something is wrong when your mesh is clear, cleanup does nothing and yet maya won't let you do anything
- maya can change setting on it's own. Like disable autosave, change some tool settings etc.
- and so on and so on, I could keep on going forever
I just want to know that is it just me? If I just don't know how to use this software? Those few guys that did not switch to Blender on my company have same problems as I have. I work on Maya since version 2012 and still autodesk did not fix bugs that occur on 2012 version. Probably they were there way earlier. I have no idea why autodesk charges so much $$$ for this buggy software. As for environment art it is garbage.
Before I worked on Modo, 3ds max and blender. None of this programs had so much issues. Right now I am fully switching to Blender as I will never give any money to Autodesk for Maya.
So what is Your story with Maya? I'm just curious.
I crash maybe once a week and i use maya 8h a day.
There are two things that make maya crashhappy and thats weak hardware and stone old prefs.
Ryzen 7 2700
16GB ram 3000mhz
My work PC
i7 8700k
32GB ram
Both Windows 10 Pro
prefs have maybe 1 - 1,5 year.
And I am also using it for 8h a day for 7 years now. I think I developed quite good habits with Maya. I clear all history, clear all trash in outliner, try to work as clean as possible, when something bad happen I often export all to .obj if it is possible and import to fresh scene. But I am tired by all this. I can have like one week without any problem and them bam 3 days constant crashing without any reason, then it works fine again for few days. This makes this software very unreliable for me as I have no idea what maya will decide to do next. Turn off autosaves? Crash on move tool? Explode all my uvs when hit undo? No idea. And yeah 3ds max, Modo and Blender all have their problems but I never felt that they are unreliable. If they crash it would be me pushing too far in most cases. And maya lately crashed when i moved uv shell... After that it crashed after clicking on viewport... Then Maya worked for 6 hours straight without any problem. All work was done on 1 same file. People on my company have same problems like me and most of them work on Blender now. We had like 15 enviro artists working - 12 on maya, 3 on Blender. It was like 4-5 years ago. Now we have 12 working on Blender and 3 on Maya including me.
I hate how autodesk is ignoring stuff. Like for them Maya is perfection. They didn't improve much since 2012. Biggest one was overhaul of uv editor. Besides that nothing really changed, I have same bugs, same behaviours. Sure thay added some new tools here and there but nothing impressive. Sometimes I think it's abandonware... Like they deployed one whole service pack and on release notes biggest change was "fixes of .fbx exporter in Japanese" Or when people started having trouble with fbx export because maya somehow would revert all uv changes. People figured it out and asked autodesk on their forum when they will fix it and Autodesk replied - "but you know how to workaround this problem, just don't use this function and use workaround".
I only wanted to know if others have similar problems and thoughts abut this software. I love it but it through all those years I started to hate it. And in Blender already I have emulated all pie menus and modeling is as fast as in maya minus the crashing part.
Not sure what would cause such frequent crashing, but it's not inherent to Maya; could be hardware, could be workflow, could be any number of things.
Also, Autodesk has a tendency to push bad builds out the door, have you downloaded the latest hot fixes?
Oh I complained about construction history in Maya since day one I started working on it
So I booted Maya today first time since last thursday and always uv editor window with uv toolkit attached poped up when opened Maya. Today first time in few weeks it didn't... When I opened uv editor window the toolkit was gone. This is what I am talking about all the time. This randomness of this software. I did nothing yet maya throw out uv toolkit and whole uv editor window. Why? Because she can
All this bad emotions towards this software was growing on me for past few years. I'll repeat - I love Maya and her modeling workflow. Implementing new uv editor was huge update for me but that would be it. Almost nothing changes for me as enviro artist. Plus all those problems I have makes this software very unreliable. I won't believe it's my machine because I worked on several PC's over those years and problems persisted. My coworkers on theirs PC's over those years had same issues. So probably my workflow is somehow bad because I cannot come up with any other reason
I don't like the UV Toolkit, I miss Nightshade. I keep it docked with my Channel Box/AE to keep it from popping up. In your case, I'm going to guess it popped up offscreen, maybe you had it on a different display last time.
1. Open Maya. 2. File>open to open your scene
or do you double click on a scene file in explorer?
@Joopson 98% of times it is by open Maya -> open file/open recent
In general I tried to work on Maya once again (nice Stockholm syndrome here
So Window -> Settings/Preferences -> Preferences window is now opening 2nd time I try to open it ^^ Did I mention Maya randomness? But now it stays at dx11 and performance is good. So I had 10 hours today of joy of working with Maya
If anyone want to know, this time I installed maya by best app on earth - Autodesk Desktop App. What a brilliant piece of software!