Hi guys!
I’m due to graduate in the coming months (or whenever possible due to covid), so of course I’ve been polishing up some my projects for my portfolio to apply for my first job!
I’d really like to know if there’s anything obvious that you would change, and any general feedback you might have. Also, do you think I’m at a point where it’s worth applying for entry level jobs, or should I spend the next few months taking it to a higher level?
Thanks a lot, really appreciate any criticism
I'm moving your topic from Career & Education into 3D Art Showcase & Critiques, where crits go.
Career & Education is for questions about how to get into the industry, how to educate yourself, career advice, etc. But we like to keep crits about specific art in the Showcase/Crit section, so Career & Edu stays focused. Hope that makes sense!
Thanks, and good luck!