Pretty cool stuff , remind me of early Pixar shorts .Punch line is kind of weak tho it ends abruptly also what animal is in the book -> cow or bull terrier and why not an ox ?, if text is important I would add subtitles as is not clear whats is going on for someone who cant read the text
Thank you for the feedback. The ad is about a pill which makes you bigger.
Also, the title of the fable : la grenouille qui veut se faire grosse comme le boeuf, doesn't translate that well in English. I did some researches in google image, and you have a few differences in both languages.
Anyhow, I really appreciate the feed back since I don't have much. Animating is a hobby (time consuming though , and I don't know anyone doing some.
Yeah I know that feeling , but dont worry there are plenty ppl all over the world that have similar interests as you so you can learn and grow by been part of one of this online communities .Maybe @Eric Chadwick can move your post to animation section of the forum so you can get more specific comments and critiques related to that .Just ask him if you want to
Also, the title of the fable : la grenouille qui veut se faire grosse comme le boeuf, doesn't translate that well in English.
I did some researches in google image, and you have a few differences in both languages.
Anyhow, I really appreciate the feed back since I don't have much. Animating is a hobby (time consuming though