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Ive got this Error and i dont know how to fix it..

polycounter lvl 4
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TirvasFreeze polycounter lvl 4

I've got 2 Errors and I don't really know how to fix it I hope you can help me with that.

Error 1:
Blueprint Runtime Error: "Accessed None trying to read property InventorySlot". Blueprint: ThirdPersonCharacter Function: Execute Ubergraph Third Person Character Graph: EventGraph Node: Add Child to Overlay

Error 2
Blueprint Runtime Error: "Accessed None". Blueprint: ThirdPersonCharacter Function: Execute Ubergraph Third Person Character Graph: EventGraph Node: Add Child to Overlay

Here are the Blueprints that cause that Error:


I basically wanted if my Character Hits with the LineTrace an Object it's gonna add the Thumbnail to my Slots..

If it's too little information please let me know what I have to post and I'm gonna post it..


  • Obscura
    Offline / Send Message
    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    If you click the error in the log, it will take you to where it happens. But generally, "accessed none" means that you are trying to access something that either does not exist, or you are trying to access it wrong.
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