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Portfolio Feedback.

polycounter lvl 13
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RipNic polycounter lvl 13
Hi folks.

Sadly I lost my job yesterday due to everything that is happening and will have 1-2 months left before I'm being fully let go.
At the moment I am in the process of collecting some new materials and also gathering all the necessary info in order to start applying for new jobs.

I'm wondering if I could get some feedback on my current portfolio.
General thoughts and such. If there is any art piece that is dragging the overall quality down and such.


I'm willing to spend some time on updating certain areas on a piece. like rendering and minor tweaks.
I don't feel that it's worth the time of doing to much rework, would rather spend that time on new projects instead.

For example the Norse taverna. 
There I will re-render it and also work a bit more on the ground and make it feel less Rectangular shape.



  • Brain_Slave
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    Brain_Slave polycounter lvl 5
    Quite nice and clean works. Fell in love with your Tau Drone, it's awesome in every aspect!
  • lukaskut
    Looks pretty good to me! Id go for a new project as well! Maybe you can scope out a company that youd like to work for and do something in their style! Good luck!
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    My first impression : 
    -snail guy -> either discard or rework -> snail could use some SSS /transparency and extra details like black dots on the end of tentacles which are his "eyes" skin is missing the specific pattern [its like a tire tread] shell its missing AO ,clear division between spiral coils also growth rings
    -apples > either discard or rework ->picture could use more exiting composition dont think of static object imagine they are alive and doing stuff like kids playing or something , apples could use some SSS and better roughness .pot too could use some roughness tweaks
    -octopus -> SSS and transparency
    -skull -> its pretty bad even for stylized skull so you know what to do
    -mushrooms -> My suggestion will be  to model some grass and leaves maybe a few more mushroom types and create a scene you could even reuse the snail
    -floating tavern ->this picture could use some color corrections right now everything is creaming look at me , if you dont have anything better to do rework wood textures
    -blade -> its boring  maybe add some vfx or glow or graphic elements
    -drone -> could use better material separation/roughness
    -chest -> either discard or rework -> whole thing looks off to me , specular reflection is too broad ,colors doesn't work well together lack of contrast  main piece the octopus could use more details
    Extra note :My overall impressions is that you reach a point where your work looks somewhat decent and at that point you stop improving , all of  your pieces looks pretty close in quality with few high and lows  Try to push yourself maybe pick more complex project with more intricate composition for your next piece
  • ThisisVictoriaZ
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    ThisisVictoriaZ polycounter
    Your portfolio looks nice, you have a lot of nice stylized props and environments. A critique would be that a lot of your stuff has very similar specularity within the whole piece which makes it look flat, but not in a stylized way. 

    For example here I've downloaded one of your pieces and circled a metal part, a wooden part, and a tree which all have the same type of shininess which they shouldnt have. 

    In some stylized styles people do this, but in this style it makes everything look plastic. For example in WoW everything has the same specularity but within the textures themselves the highlights and shadows are painted in so it makes sense. I would consider looking into this for future projects! 

    Overall I think your portfolio is really nice, you're a really great artist so dont let these hard times get you down!
  • RipNic
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    RipNic polycounter lvl 13
    Hi folks.

    Firstly I want to thank you all for your feedback. 
    I will read through them and do what I can atm.

    // Cheers.
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