Hi! I have a plane, equally devided in perfect squares, in viewport seeing it as wireframe which is perfect. I want it rendered on a png. so I can use it as perspective grid for complex artworks in Photoshop. I want just the wireframe, no backgrounds, no fill color for the plane.
Im have Arnold as a material editor and renderer.
Also, if thats difficult to achieve, please suggest a software thats handy for this type of work.
You could use a Lattice modifier on the planes to get all the edges converted to geometry. That way they'll render easily for alpha in any renderer. Scanline will at least be blazing fast. Just tweak the Lattice modifier to your liking, put a solid color self illuminative Standard material on, hit render, save as TGA to get alpha channel included.
You can also try the Wire setting in the Standard material, then you won't need the Lattice, but dunno how that acts with the alpha channel.
Hey man, if you are an artist and need help with something you can count on me. Im Krasen Maximov in facebook,too. Thanks.