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Horus Heresy Space Marine: Blood Angel

Been working on this character for the past few months. I've been spending a lot time doing hardsurface props and items, and wanted to do something more fluid in shape; hence a character. After finishing watching the Astartes series on Youtube and reading up on the latest books, I've been inspired to create my own Warhammer 40K fanart. I've got to have one space marine in my portfolio I felt. 

This'll be a diary of sorts as I post progress every once in a while.

Update #1
Misha Savier made this great illustration for the Siege of Terra books a while ago, depicting Raldoron of the Blood Angels during the climax of the Horus Heresy. Loved the look and posing, the flowing filigree, sculpted chest plate, halo, ornamentation and everything. Guy looks like a walking sculpture that deals in death. This design is what I'll be pivoting my own model around.

Update #2
Started off using a base mesh I found online. Using normal human proportions, I started blocking out the base mesh. The Blood Angels I've always seen as more noble than their other Astartes counterparts, so I wanted the proportions to be more roman-demigod and less beef-cake. 

Update #3
Poly modelling starts here. Every starts off as a primitive shape, or a humble plane. I'm not used to dealing with curvy shapes, so this was quite a challenge. Built the armor in pieces, just like how it'd actually be constructed.

Update #4
In researching for the project, I came to learn a lot about the character Ralodoron and the armor he wears. Specifically Mark IV power armor, considered ancient in modern 40K. The overall plate shapes look the same as modern space marine armor, except for some more exposed power cabling and a more planed helm design. Lots of looking at minis and illustrations to get the look right, as I noticed there's not a lot of Mark IV illustrations going around. Built the helm in pieces so I can jump around more easily.

Update #5
I'm at a stage where I can begin moving from super blockout to just blockout blockout. Lot more paneling and trim work, as well as adding minor shapes like rivets, studs and such. Also started using Matcaps at this stage to get a better feel for the curvature. Starting to look hefty.

Update #6
Finally got to the backpack. The more you look at the minis the more you realize its just a bunch of tubes and boxes stuck together. Like, the rivets alone look as big as big as palms. Took a bit of head-scratching getting this thing to look plausible in realistic proportions.

Update #7 
Motivation comes and goes, but finally starting to feel good with the shapes. Working my way down from top to bottom. Not sure if proportions are off, have to see how the rest comes along.

Update #7
Been a slow week. Fixed up the helmet a bit more, and added a few more pieces to make the cabling make more sense. Helmets are hard. Had to scour whole internet to get different angles of the Mark IV Maximus helmet. Somewhat rarer than other helmets in illustrations. Added the decorative cords and ornamentation on the armor, making him look more distinguished.

Update #8
The midriff and pelvis took a look of back and forth, not really sure how the suit bends and flexes at this point of the armor. Mark IV armor also looks more chunky, so this lad's got quite the trunk. 

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