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The little girl in the Pandemic *WIP*

polycounter lvl 10
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elfronza polycounter lvl 10
Hello everyone!

I am sharing my current work in progress with my little character, I wanna give this little girl a gas mask, which I find quite relevant with today's pandemic. I will make her walking the street with her doggy, all cute. To practice hard surface modelling, I wanna give her one of Hiroto Ikeuchi's masks. Here is my mood board. On the left you get a picture of the girl, and all the cuteness that follows. In the middle, the crazy Hiroto Ikeushi designs and in the left, the work of the amazing Pablo Dobarro (https://www.artstation.com/pablodp606)

Check bellow my current WIP with the girl and her outfit made in Marvelous Designer. This are Marmoset Toolbag screenshots of the high poly model with vertex color. Still to create an optimized version of this scene (my laptop will be happy with that). Now I plan on creating a few small accessories for her and afterwards I plan on creating her little mascot, a dalmatian. Once that is done, I will face my fear, the gas mask. 

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