Hi everyone! I have here a game ready battle rifle I've made that takes place in a cyber driven world. There were a lot of things I've learned but I feel like I learn much more with other's help. Full breakdown and render images are here in my artstation post>>https://www.artstation.com/artwork/KaxNR9 Please let me know your thoughts! Thank you very much!
That's a really cool design! The main issue I see is with the textures/normal details, they don't seem to have a high enough resolution, so in the close up shots you can really see they are a bit blurry and the normal have some jagged lines. What is your texture resolution and texel density?
Besides that, some edges seem to be too sharp, maybe adding a bevel in the low poly, or checking to see if it's baking properly. Honestly, I have problems with this part still too amd always struggle with the LP/HP baking.
Just keep in mind I'm still a beginner haha, I'm just recognizing some of the problems I have too. Anyway, it's a really nice project!
Thanks for the feedback! I've set up bake res to 2k in substance painter, the same thing with AO bake and UV map in max, it was done in 2k. But I did notice in basic set up for substance painter, it was in 4k. I wonder if that mismatch in resolution caused this?
And I totally agree with you on LP being too sharp it's so tricky sometimes to know which ones to bevel and which ones to leave it alone. I guess I gotta learn as I go!
Again thanks for the kind words and feedback!
Btw I saw your metal slug work! Its fantastic haha gives me nostalgia
What is your texture resolution and texel density?
Besides that, some edges seem to be too sharp, maybe adding a bevel in the low poly, or checking to see if it's baking properly. Honestly, I have problems with this part still too amd always struggle with the LP/HP baking.
Just keep in mind I'm still a beginner haha, I'm just recognizing some of the problems I have too. Anyway, it's a really nice project!
And I totally agree with you on LP being too sharp
Again thanks for the kind words and feedback!
Btw I saw your metal slug work! Its fantastic haha gives me nostalgia