Its been a while I am learning 3d prop modeling and always AlWayS I try to start modeling something I stuck up upon some technical difficulties and I just wanna give up, it's just too annoying I have to focus more on technical sides of things rather than artistic which I almost hate it. Any suggestions on how can I reduce this mental pressure.
For eg. I modeled this in blender and wanted to create into a game asset for which I need to texture it in painter, now to do that u have to do 3 things which I hate the most and is often where I gave up which is converting into a low poly, UV unwrapping and baking (the technical bullsh*t which I call) and even after that long process u don't know if the textures applied would be fine or stretched. So in this project, I paint over it in Affinity Photo and called it a day.
From the looks of it, if you don't want to go through any of that hassle, I would recommend looking into concept art/3d concept art. You get to be more creative then (within the boundaries if you have a creative lead) and let other artists handle the dirty work.
how so? use a proper checker while unwrapping and you will see stretching, stress, scale differences and with that also pixel density.
I actually meant that only, we had to fix those stretched textures before going over to painter. Anyway really hoping substance painter would improve their automatic UV generation.
Yes great suggestion, go out for a run or walk in a park and die from the virus. Problem solved for life LOL
//TODO insert Rocky quote meme