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A small room to improve myself a bit.


The classroom I tried to make long time ago, ended bad, so I had to make some other interior, to better understand environment lighting. This scene I had to render with 1000 samples, and denoiser to get ok enough quality. Textures are procedural, except for couch, there I went for existing texture and "glue" it all around the mesh. From advice some people gave me in last failed project, I did used references ( for room https://prnt.sc/rusem2 ) except I skipped carpet, 2 pillows and the thing that was on the carpet. From plants I only tried to create cactus, others replaced with a vase and chalkboard ( https://prnt.sc/rusfyq and https://prnt.sc/rusgcp ). As HDRI for this project, I used 4K Venice Dawn 1 ( https://hdrihaven.com/hdri/?h=venice_dawn_1 ) but lighting bumped to 60 for brighter light.
So, what do you think ? What else, should I work to improve ?


  • Anura_Interceptor
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    Anura_Interceptor polycounter lvl 5
    I'd suggest getting textures from somewhere like cc0textures.com and using those. The procedural texture generators packed with modeling software are generally very basic and take a lot more effort to get a half-decent texture than something like Substance Designer. If you use royalty free textures you can start learning about texel density and good UVing. On the composition side I see some nice additions, you've got trims between the walls, floor, and ceiling, which is something a lot of beginners forget. Definitely a huge improvement from your last project.
  • Pirax
    Offline / Send Message
    Pirax triangle
    Really like the composition, would say the sofa style isn't corresponding with the other items though, I know its in the reference but maybe you'd benefit from something a bit softer as its quite rigid. 

    Lighting is nice but make sure your window frame is casting shadows as your not getting the shadow on the ground which breaks up the wood texture..

    Green looks a bit garish so i'd knock the saturation back a bit, you could go far with this if you went for maybe more olive colours, dark grey sofa and golds for the accessories. 

    This example doesn't fit a room but it shows the colours scheme, i'd maybe go a bit scarce on the blacks if you do follow this  - https://www.behance.net/gallery/88255693/Animatron-office?tracking_source=curated_galleries_architecture

    Good luck! :-)
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