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Yes, Another beginner

Hey guys, 

First post, and let me just say I hope everyone is staying safe in these challenging times.

While I am still working (Essential... I fix smashed cars), I have wanted to up my skills as a modeler, as they are somewhat basic. Normally I need to watch and follow along a tutorial on a specific subject in order to achieve some knowledge on a subject, and once I try it myself without hardly revisiting said tutorials, I find myself just walking away as I cannot achieve the desired results on my own.

Lately I have been pushing myself though, and I decided to pick a image off of ArtStation and attempt to model a specific item in the scene.  My first attempt was https://www.artstation.com/artwork/vQr2x, and I chose the table. I learned a little bit of what not to do.

My second attempt was https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3oe2D, and I chose the pillar support which I have modeled tonight. I am quite happy with how it came out. (Only model, it hasn't been UV-UnWrapped or Textured).

No Modifiers. I also have no N-Gons as they are bad for game assets?

I used a Chamfer Modifier to create support edges for my Open SubDiv Modifier

Open SubDiv Modifier with 2 Iterations. There was a small artifact when I originally took these screenshots above. I added in a few loops to fix it, and now WYSIWYG

While I am quite happy with how it is going so far, there is still some more detail from the original concept I am going to add. I thought I would come here and ask some questions and try get some feedback from more experienced hands.

All my questions pretty my pertain to image 1 of my model.
  1. I have connected the Chamfers to triangles, and then got rid of any N-Gons by adding edges to create Tris and Polys. Are there to many Triangles? 
  2. As I was writing the above question, I threw on a Quadrify Mesh Modifier and solved the Triangles Problem :) - Since it worked, and it is a high poly mesh, does this matter? Are there pros / cons to using a Quadrify Mesh Modifier?
  3. When adding detail such as all the inset detail, would it be easier to create them separately, then use a Pro-Boolean/Boolean instead of working with the messy triangulated mesh in picture 1?
  4. Any critiques? 
Thanks everyone.



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