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Ivy Generation - SpeedTree vs "Houdini" (plugin - IvyTaming)?

polycounter lvl 9
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Jonathan85 polycounter lvl 9
Ivy Generation - SpeedTree vs "Houdini" (plugin - IvyTaming)?

Hello, so i just came about by accident a plugin for houdini thats for IVY generation: (IvyTaming 1.0)

From the video it looks really quite nice. When looking on it a question poped into my mind - can you really do everything that is shown in the video directly in Speed Tree? I dont really know speed tree that much (or at all for that matter) and sure, speed tree is a specialized 3D plant modeling software, so you SHOULD be able to do everything you see in the video IvyTaming plugin for Houdini can do...

 You SHOULD be able to do it all directly (more or less) as easily and quickly in Speed Tree, correct...?

(yes simple question as that :-) ...)


  • Alex_J
    Online / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    Don't take my word completely because there is plenty in speedtree that I don't know about, but as near as I can tell the best you could do in speedtree is in the link above. Adequate but not as many options as the specialized plugin.

  • Jonathan85
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    Jonathan85 polycounter lvl 9
    Alex Javor Thanks :-).

    LOL (!). So do i understand it correctly that AFAIK you know that plugin can do something that speed tree (a specilazied) modeler cannto do... (!?) I got the impression too watchign the video... But i dont know speed tree really so i thought i have to be wrong... Cause you know... its a specialized software just for that (vegetation modeling), so what could a mere plugin for 50 USD (or whatever) do better...?

    And it does :-)? Quite shocking.

    Can someone please confirm or deny this... Someone with more experience in Speedtree?

    Thank you.
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