I've started this character on 2018, and eant to give him a proper end durint this confinemet season xD
Back in 2018 october I discovered this awesome work:
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/aKXLXThe Tomefey's work is outstanding, I atuomaticaly felt in love with the shapes of the creature so I decided to create a 3D version more... realistic.
I've tryied to merge all the three states of the beast. That was one of the main points of this challenge.
Working on the ribs and the mouth were the next steps and I started to realize that the mouth would be a pain in the ass. I had a lot of doubts about how to make the mouth: Full open? Closed? A drama....
Well... I made some test with the mouth.... as you can see. I finally made it middle open, worked on the tounge added ALL the f^^^ng tiny teeth, fixed some anatomy issues....
Started to play with some ideas for the smoke/hair. Just only some hard shapes with dynamesh, not somethis very elaborate... Keep it simple Hector!
At this point.... someting hit my mind... THIS bastard has MORE teeth all along the arms!!!! > . <
One of my obsessions with this buddy was the teeth, tryed to merge the geomtry of every tooth with the jaw to create the smoothest transition possible.
Usually I order all the uv's manually in 3D Max, but Blender could help us with his awesome uvs packer.
Next step, baking all the maps in Substance Designer!!
Time to make some bakes on Designer. I don't have any limitations for this project, so I decided to bake everything at 4k. I have twot different IDs so thats why I'm ussing Designer for baking, I can control which part I bake of every ID, I just check what sub-mesh is active on thelist and select the maps I need.
And here is how just normal map, AO and curvature looks like aplied on marmoset
Progression with the textures:
First step was to create on Zbrush the high poly version of each hair strap with fibermesh.
This is the result bjust before export to 3Dmax where I can fix and adjust some hairs, moreover I aplied a Turbosmooth modifier and prepare the lowpoly plane with square UV's which I've used as base to bake all the textures on Substance Painter.
Then I created all the hair cards and organized all of them on 3D max.
Something I ussed to make on Maya was to transfer the vertex normals of the base of the head on a character to all the haircards. That's the way to have a smooth area over all the cards. I found a way to do it on 3D Max with Noors normal thief script!!
You can download here:
I've been adding some details this week like the liquid parts, the ground base... just to try to make it more "natural" avoiding to show just model alone.
You can see more pics on my artstation!! -->
<a href="https://www.artstation.com/hectorsdors" title="Link: https://www.artstation.com/hectorsdors">https://www.artstation.com/hectorsdors</a>
This was just for fun, only to imagine how it would looks like into Bloodborne. What do you think??
What did you use for the fluid sims? Some really nice shapes there!
The hair was the key to achieve that Bloodborne look ^__^ I'm happy with the results and you'are givving this character tons of love so thank you all
Thanks buddy!!!!