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Maya - How I can increase the max values with mouse drag in channel box?

polycounter lvl 6
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janoshx polycounter lvl 6

If i create a for example a cylinder and want to change its parameters from channel box by dragging in view with middle mouse or in channel box with left mouse the values are capped really low.  For example for cylinder the max radius and height is 100 and all subdivision values are capped to 50.

 Is there a settings or preferences file somewhere in Maya where can change this much larger values? It would much easier to use if the cap would be much bigger.


  • oglu
    Offline / Send Message
    oglu polycount lvl 666
    Click on the name and MMB in the viewport.

    I have no idea how to change the preset value higher. 
  • janoshx
    Offline / Send Message
    janoshx polycounter lvl 6
    it wont go over the values i have highlighted in the image with MMB or LMB. Larger values has to be typed in.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    attribute editor maybe?
  • janoshx
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    janoshx polycounter lvl 6
    In attribute editor you can do it. If you set larger number than max default value you can use levers to move on that new range. This will do but it still annoys me that in channel editor the "virtual slider" max range is so short. I would prefer doing this with channel box instead of attribute editor. If you keep attribute editor open you can access values in only the node you have selected. I usually use the Ninja Dojo panel open since i can access easily all sort of tools and the ninja dojo shows channel box next to it.

    ...and i just realised that you can keep both channel box and attribute editor open at the same time, even docked together, but together they even more screen space.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    I recall doing a rigging course from pluralsight in which I defined the range values could go from. This was for a custom made attribute though. Maybe for inbuilt it could be locked. That's all I remember, but it definitely seems like it ought to be possilbe. Have you asked at the autodesk area forums? 
    I think things are slowed down there right now, but in past I always got answers there for more technical maya stuff.
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