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Impact of the Corona Virus on the Game Industry

polycounter lvl 10
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lincolnhughes polycounter lvl 10
Hey guys, was just wondering if we could all share some insight about what's going on around the world in the game industry, specifically how certain sectors of the industry have been hit (or will be) by the COVID 19 pandemic.

Personally, it hasn't impacted me much other than switching to remote work from home, which I actually kinda like in a weird way. I'm more worried about the economic impact that the outbreak might have on tech subsidies in Canada, and how that might derail some of the companies out here. For example, In Vancouver during the crash of 2008, basically the entire art sector of the industry (anybody looking for a new job, not existing employees) switched to short-term contracts, which at the time i was terrified about because my company had just gone under, but it actually turned out to be super beneficial for me in the end (jacked up salary with each contract, more titles under my belt etc, expanding resume). 

If you have a crazy story to tell, or some info regarding the shift in your area, or speculation as to where it might be over the course of the next few months, post a reply. 


  • Taylor Brown
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    Taylor Brown ngon master
    Speaking as low management in an outsource studio, nothing seems to be changing on a personal level. Grateful for that considering I'm the sole income for my family now that my wife is out of work. Contracts are still coming in and we are trying to keep our artists busy. We are getting an influx of people reaching out for work who have had their contracts with other studios cancelled or just left in limbo (in and out of a physical studio). That seems to be the case for quite a few freelance artists I've interacted with aside from ones hitting us up. It's still so early that it's hard on many levels to predict where this might go.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    From a larger studio perspective the major impact looks like its going to be that stuff happens slower. 

    As time moves on and people spend longer in isolation I expect to see issues with mental health to become more common - it's a big adjustment even for the most misanthropic of us. 
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