Looking for some feedback on this shot. Trying to polish it up to a demo reel standard. Still need to do a pass on the fingers for the last 100 frames or so. Also ignore the chest bugging out, I'm going to bake the constraints down at the end and then animate that chest settle.
Wow Great work, maybe around 15-33 I would try and have the impact read a little more maybe a tiny (tiny) bounce or just some more follow through on the chest it feels like he falls into it and transitions very fast out of it so you might need to add more frames in this period.
I left some comments on syncsketch. This is looking really good and has some really nice little polish bits already. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Might return to it later once I've worked on a few more shots and have more facial experience. Not that his shot needs a ton of it but I'm kind of just noodling the shot right now. So coming back after a break might let me see some new stuff that I could tweak.
Might return to it later once I've worked on a few more shots and have more facial experience. Not that his shot needs a ton of it but I'm kind of just noodling the shot right now. So coming back after a break might let me see some new stuff that I could tweak.