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3dsmax copy an animation on the same dummy bones

polycounter lvl 2
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palpoppa polycounter lvl 2
hello, I have two different model one without an animation and skin, and one with only the animation, they have the same skeleton created with bones dummys, same names and hierarchy. the problem is when I attach the animation on the skinned model, the skin become completely corrupted, so my question is, can I transfer the animation without the corruption or not?

the first is the skinned model without animation, the second is with the animation applied, thank


  • Eric Chadwick
    This looks like a weighting problem, not an animation one.

    1. If you try to animate the first (source) model, does it deform properly?

    2. What do the modifier stacks look like? The simpler the better in 3ds Max. It should ideally be only Editable Poly at the bottom and Skin on top of that.

    3. Did you use Reset Xform on the meshes before adding Skin?

    4. How exactly did you transfer the animation?
  • palpoppa
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    palpoppa polycounter lvl 2
    hi, yes, maybe is a weighting problem, but really I don't know... for your question:

    1. yes, it seems if I try to move the bones the skin is working correctly

    2. only the mesh and the skin stacks, with the skin on the top

    3. yes I have tried, but with no success

    4. imported the fxb with only the update option checked or saved and loaded the animation.

    so, maybe in the end I think to know what happened, I have this pack with every assets that I need, (skinned model and skeleton) what I don't have are the animations, so, with a blender script I have tried to obtain them.
    but with this model I can't retrieve a skeleton from the script, so I have imported it from the pack source...
    now, I think, that the source skeleton, even if it looks ok, has some problem caused from the blender's fbx exporter.
    I think this because, I have a skeleton template that works (not completely because is a little different), but after I had exported it, modified and re-imported it in blender... some bones errors, scale and rotations, will appear...  so, maybe what I need to solve this problem is a better script of importing/exporting from blender

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