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Modular walls, how to do it?

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Udjani interpolator
Hey, so i've been trying to learn modularity but i am stuck here, couldn't find the answer on polycount wiki. 

I am also trying to keep 2 things with this set.

1. Keep the walls outside of the 1x1/2x2 tiles so they don't break the tiling textures of the floor.
2. Keep the wall texture as seamless as possible. 

In this picture you can see on the top left that i couldn't finish where i have 1x1 tiles, for what i can guess i should make even smaller modular pieces for it?

It's alright to squash and stretch a bit the textures to keep it seamless?


  • bigbuddy
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    bigbuddy polycounter lvl 8
    Stretching and Squashing depends on what textures you apply on them. If it's a concrete or a plaster wall then a small amount of stretching or squashing will not make much of a difference when it's viewed from the distance and you can fix them by adding some subtle dirt decals. once you start adding props your eyes wont notice those minor artifacts. if it's a brick or stone walls then they might look little odd again it depends on what the texture is and will need some experimentation.

    The other way of dealing with this is cutting a line through the non uniform modular mesh and mirroring the other side this will make sure the texture tiles in both the direction but the disadvantage is you will get a butterfly effect which you might need to fix or hide them with decals or props. Refer this modular environment building breakdown from Jacob norris http://images.purepolygons.com/building_tut/Building_Breakdown.pdf for detailed explanation

    The lazy way of handling this is using a world aligned textures for the walls, floors and ceilings this will make sure your meshes tile perfectly even though you stretch, Squash or scale them. In your case you may use them for the missing parts. Keep in mind that world aligned textures are slightly expensive in performance than the regular textures.
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