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[WIP] Creating environment for UE4 Japanese Street

polycounter lvl 11
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vegaart polycounter lvl 11

Hello my friends, I continue to work actively on creating new art projects for UE4 for marketplace, this time I decided to create a project based on the Japanese city of Yokohama. This setting was chosen, because in my opinion it is quite interesting from an artistic point of view, complex architecture, lots of glowing neon signs, and a very dense filling of streets with various props, pipes, and other details, which is typical for Japanese streets. 

First of all, I looked at lot of reference photographs, and chose one (you can see this picture in the figure below) which I took as a basis for building the level.

Main reference

The second stage was to build a dimensional simplified street model, with roads, and the main forms for houses, in order to understand the sizes and proportions for future modules.

This stage is noteworthy, and may not correspond 100% to the future level, it only gives me an understanding of what details should be taken away more attention, and helps in the elaboration of silhouettes

Next, I began to create the basic types of materials for the walls of houses, sidewalks and roads. If you look closely at Japanese city streets, you can see a lot of glossy tiles of various sizes and colors, as well as concrete surfaces and plaster, as well as all these surfaces have some signs of weather effects, such as smudges under parapets, windows.

The next stage is the creation of basic modules, based on a simplified model of the city, the task is that I need to create modules of walls, windows, doors, roads and sidewalks, as structural elements, and from which I can assemble each house, this gives flexibility, for Introducing diversity in architecture and foreshortening for other homes.

But in addition to individual moody that were made strictly on a grid with a step (about 0.25 m), I also created modules of the whole floor, this can greatly simplify the work for those who buy this pack, and decide to use it in their projects, arranging the modules in the form floors, the user can easily adjust the number of storeys of the house, making the house higher or lower, depending on the need.

Then the idea came to make the level not on a flat surface, but add a height difference in the form of a metro station, which is visible and passes 10 meters below the relative 0 height. Also, in my opinion, the metro station is a serious center of attraction for attention in this project, since the train will still have a train with open doors and light inside the wagons. At the moment, the project has more than 200 unique assets, and will continue to grow. Next, I plan to add some more unique houses, and fill everything with details

And some images with progress

To be continued ...  

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