Hi, I'm working on a free Nut_Bolt script but I'm getting an error. Let's say I'm Importing the Bolt_01 it's snapping to the selected face but again when I run this script on a new selected face it's taking back Bolt_01 to the origin. It shouldn't happen like that. For more REFER VIDEO.
- {
- // create a window
- window -title "jay" -menuBar true -w 220 -h 200 "";
- // define the layout of controls added
- // to the window.
- columnLayout;
- // create a collapsible frame layout
- frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Nuts";
- // add the other controls
- flowLayout -columnSpacing 1 -w 220 -h 30;
- symbolButton -image "commandButton.png" -command "sample_Proc";
- setParent ..;
- // show the window we last created
- showWindow;;
- }
- proc Pipe_01_Proc()
- {
- string $sel_faces[] = `ls -sl `;
- string $file_Path = (`internalVar -userPrefDir`) + "icons/3DG_Nut/Mesh/Pipe_01.fbx";
- file -import $file_Path;
- rename "Pipe_01" "Pipe_01_Placed";
- select $sel_faces[0] "Pipe_01_Placed";
- float $rsScale = size($sel_faces);
- scale -r $rsScale $rsScale $rsScale "Pipe_01_Placed";
- string $rspointOnPolyConstraint[] = `pointOnPolyConstraint -offset 0 0 0 -weight 1 `;
- delete $rspointOnPolyConstraint;
- makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1;
- makeIdentity -apply false -t 1 -r 1 -s 1;
- CenterPivot;
- xform -cpc;
- }