The dark speckle or noise over the whole figure is hiding the detail work on the suit. There are other ways to show wear and tear, but the method you are using atm is visually very distracting.
Just the usual scratches and edgewear. The surfaces appear blotchy. There is loads of detail on the model. If you compound that detail with intense noise you start to loose the forms and what you are doing is just camouflage. I would decrease the noise a lot. Maybe scale it up on the plates and decrease intensity and just give the small details like the bolts and metallic colored bits a plain coating.
There is a super vid on youtube about focusing detail on assets, but I cant find it. I will keep looking.
Thanks Kanga, I think later on once I've done a few other projects, I'll retexture this guy and re-release him. I put so much detail into the model that smearing all of it with dirt isnt doing it anygood. Thanks for the help kanga.
There is a super vid on youtube about focusing detail on assets, but I cant find it. I will keep looking.