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3ds max gizmo scaling for higher precision like in Maya?

polycounter lvl 14
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Axcel polycounter lvl 14
There is a few things Maya has which I wish 3ds have and vice versa.

Does anyone know if I can have gizmo scaling or other way to increase manipulation precision in 3ds max?

For those who are not familiar with autodesk Maya, by +/- keys, you can scale up and down manipulator and therefore precision.


  • Dihemi
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    Dihemi polycounter lvl 2
    It's the same shortcut in 3ds Max (+ and - keys. Not numpad though). You can also adjust the size manually under Customize > Preferences > Gizmos (tab) > Size (upper right corner).
  • Ghogiel
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    Ghogiel greentooth
    I didn't know that the size of the gizmo changed it's precision in Maya, thought it was just how close you zoomed in that changed the incremental change.

    But in max pretty sure -/= just makes the gizmo a different size and doesn't affect precision of the numbers at all. I do know that from the spinners you can change the precision in max though, is holding alt and messing with the spinner drops the level of increment a decimal place. CTRL iirc boosts it up. Which is cool but isn't all that helpful, I feel I might as well be hammering in exact numbers if I have to move m,y mouse all the way down to the bottom of the workspace. For me ideally it would be cool if you could hit R start scaling on the gizmo, then hold alt or ctrl to affect the precision when needed.
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