sorry for my noob problems (probably this one won't be the first I put on this forum), but I really want to know the best solutions since the beginning as a developing 3d artist.
I tried to bake normal map of my well in Blender (ray distance 0.5, merge 5). It looks like this:
The thing is that it looks deformed, mostly irrational on the wheel.
When I seperate the wheel from a well mesh it doesn't make this artifacts. Is there any other solutions? I've also heard that Blender sucks at baking normal maps, but I would want to hear it directly from somebody.
This process is solved by most bakers allowing you to isolate your meshes via naming conventions, rather than physically isolating them.
Marmoset TB3 is quite the standard nowadays, if not, substance painter is solid
Can Marmoset also combine normal maps?
Yeah, the UV of them is combined, but I mean like if you have mesh with different type of materials on its UV (wood, metal etc): I always baked wood for all the UV, then metal for all the UV and so on and so on, then I combined them in Photoshop (I mean not with opacity, but with puting the right normal where it should be). Do you say I can bake it immediately (just with telling the application the paremeteres of each UV island)?