oh I love dishonored stuff, I would suggest stepping down a few subdivision levels though, it´s looking a kind of blobby at the moment, probably because you went for too many poly´s too soon.
I agree with Johannes above. Also, I'd suggest taking another look at the forehead. In the concept, it's much longer and has a pronounced brow line. Good work so far!
Some progress since last time. I am still wondering how to go about the hair.. I am actually enjoying modelling it although I wonder If i should try Hair Planes as I have almost no experience using them.
More subdivs down. I'd personally dynamesh it at a number where I could clearly see the polygons. Looks like you need to dynamesh the face anyway given the areas with very stretched out polys. Your face forms aren't at a level where you should be detailing yet, so don't worry about losing that detail when dynameshing (if you're nervous, save a ztool off with this detail level that you can go back to if you have to).