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Blender objects transparent in Solid shading mode

polycounter lvl 3
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Method14253 polycounter lvl 3
my objects in blender are transparent in solid shading mode after I switch back from wireframe shading.. but if I never used wireframe shading the objects are solid as they should be when in solid shading mode.. bug? what is going on? Also when I am in the modeling tab solid shading is fine (not transparent)


  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    Does this happen if you start with the factory settings *.cmd file?
    If it's not a bug then probably some setting you done to your material or the object's color alpha?!

    As far as I know the default Modeling tab uses a different material draw or render mode
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Also no idea whatsup. Once you are in solid mode hit Alt + Z should fix it.
  • Method14253
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    Method14253 polycounter lvl 3
    rollin said:
    Does this happen if you start with the factory settings *.cmd file?
    If it's not a bug then probably some setting you done to your material or the object's color alpha?!

    As far as I know the default Modeling tab uses a different material draw or render mode
    I reset the factoy settings that seemed to work, thanks
  • xrg
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    xrg polycounter lvl 10
    I see you resolved it already, but most likely the issue was your clip end distance was too high. It causes quite a few visual artifacts.

  • Method14253
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    Method14253 polycounter lvl 3
    xrg, man thanks so much I had it happen again! changed the clip end distance to 1000 and the object is no longer transparent, I don't think I would have ever figured that out. thanks! xrg said:
    I see you resolved it already, but most likely the issue was your clip end distance was too high. It causes quite a few visual artifacts.

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