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Fundamentals of asset pipeline for item slotting system

polycounter lvl 4
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apelleti2 polycounter lvl 4
Recently I had an idea for a game that my team and I were considering working on.  There is one major snag with the idea.  We need to have a slotting system where the original object gets larger and larger as you play.  The object will be animating as well.  

I am not super familiar with the process when it comes to rigging and how to set up objects like a sword so it snaps into the character's hand with proper orientation.  But I assume that this process is the same for all other objects like armor etc...  Does anyone have any good information on how to set these things up in Maya or max for export to Unreal or unity?  I'm really interested in getting this pipeline down the right way.

Also is there a way to do this where you are basically creating a chain so one object can be stacked on another using this same "snap" mechanic?


  • Eric Chadwick
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    The way I've seen weapons done is for the character skeleton to include attachment points, extra bones linked to the nearest limb bone. Then each weapon has a corresponding attachment point, oriented the same way. In the game logic, you instantiate the weapon and align its point to the character's point. Voila, sword snaps into hand.

    What exactly do you mean by "original object gets larger and larger"? I suppose you mean the player gets larger equipment as they level up? Attachment points can handle this just fine. But you do need to carefully evaluate animations and interpenetrations.
  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    I believe OP is talking about some kind of mechanic where as the player gets stronger or some value increases (kills, deaths, progress, etc.) the weapon scales up. Armor is sometimes handled in a different way especially regarding chest pieces and things that would encompass the player mesh.

    If you're looking at using unreal you can take apart some of the paragon characters to see how they handle some of their various weapon animations and skin swaps. Essentially the same system for basic armor swaps or weapon swaps as what you're looking into.
  • apelleti2
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    apelleti2 polycounter lvl 4
    Actually I was actually stating that you could have armor on top of armor on top of armor type of thing.  Only you cant put the second set on until you place the first and so on.
  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    Best course of action with that would to standardize your under armor piece with socket points (one on each shoulder and whatever other thing you would want) and have logic conditions that those meshes would follow the underlying animations on those points. This can be get really finicky with spaulders and shoulder armor as there is potential for a lot of clipping to occur with a mesh snapped onto a shoulder.

    You would either need to curtail your animations to allow for the variations or make it so that the animations blend into different ones based upon armor worn or something like that. That is if you care about the clipping.

    But really its a matter of setting up extra bones that can be used as anchor points on the body for various armor pieces.
  • apelleti2
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    apelleti2 polycounter lvl 4
    thanks zachagreg  based on these emails I was starting to think this is how it would be.  The object wont be organic so I am not too worried about clipping.  I am planning on actually making it so that the whole object is replaced with a larger object once you get to a certain level.  Therefore I can make new and more accurate animations based on the size of the object.  
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