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[3DS Max] Problem aligning splines

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Hello again,

So I have 1 spline. It is a spine controller and I aligned it to the pelvis. Pivot to pivot, orientation and position.
I made a copy (not an instance) of the same spline to control the hip and aligned it to the spine base, pivot to pivot, orientation and position.
The confusion is that it doesn't change position when I align it despite aligning it to a separate bone, it just stays in the exact location as if I was aligning it to the pelvis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s8lKpaBru8&list=PLnKw1txyYzRlxh1-BT4CifPXC5TBg2vUd&index=30

I presume that this really isn't that big of a problem and can be resolved by simply rotating it since I'm just aligning and not parenting, but I'm not sure and also want to know why it isn't changing position. 


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