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Paint Select / Preview SubObject for UV mode in 3ds max

polycounter lvl 3
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Geekson polycounter lvl 3
Hey guys! I need to do a lot of UV mapping lately, with constant editing of UV islands, paired with heavy booleaning which sometimes breaks shells into pieces.
So i was wondering is there any Paint Select tools that i can use while editing UV's? Something like Preview SubObject which works great in edit poly mode, but somehow not available when Unwrap UVW modifier is up. I also have to specify that i need to paint select geometry in the viewport, not in the UV Editor.
Cheers, thanks for attention


  • afb3d
    Offline / Send Message
    afb3d polycounter lvl 3
    There is a paint select tool but i believe this and preview subObject are two different things? Im almost certain preview subObject doesn't exist in the unwrap editor but if you need paint selection you can use this.........
  • Geekson
    Offline / Send Message
    Geekson polycounter lvl 3
    There is a paint select tool but i believe this and preview subObject are two different things? Im almost certain preview subObject doesn't exist in the unwrap editor but if you need paint selection you can use this.........

    Thanks for the answer! I always looked over that little button and never ever used it. And while it's really helpful, it's not something that i could use in my particular case. I forgot to specify that i need that paint tool to work in the Viewport while Unwrap UV modifier is up.

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