Hello! I am working on a character that is intended to be a portfolio piece once finished and I thought I would make a thread about it to get some feedback. Once finished it will be a game ready character.

This is the original concept by Bjorn Hurri -
My reference sheet
This is my current progress, I've started to detail the metal pieces, starting with the helmet. The cloth has been simulated in marvelous designer and I retopologised it in maya. The body is also retopologised.
Ok, thanks for the advice. In the past though I have been told to sculpt characters with a slight neutral pose rather than just completely T or M pose. Is this not the case in a studio? Or have I gone a bit too far?
I am definitely planning on rigging it, at least to the best of my ability, and doing some sort of idle animation to make the final presentation more interesting. Where would you say I need to improve on the deformation loops? Just work on them in general? I have been considering changing the loops around the top of the legs and hips where they attach together.
Thanks for the feedback and the encouragement!
This goblin though just looks like in the concept as he is in the middle of a movement or pose, not that it is his natural stance.
More anatomical changes this evening, I realized the abs were a bit too stylized so I worked on the core a bit. Definitely needs more work, I'll find some more reference for the transition between the abs and the external obliques. I may make those changes after relaxing the pose, since after I move stuff around with the transpose line I'll need to clean up the muscle definition in places anyway.
Update on the Goblin.
I've done a damage pass on the helmet and the bits dangling from it, I'm thinking I need to push it further though as from a distance you can't quite tell on some parts. The helmet wasn't quite matching the reference so I made it more domed and taller in the center.
I've also reposed him to a more upright, neutral stance.
The cloth sims needed some cleaning up and I tried to exaggerate some of the folds, I'll probably do another pass on those.
I also added some more details to the leather chest piece, the metal rings now go through it and I have added some edge detail.
Here's another update on the goblin, mostly I've just added buckles. I also added some damage to the back of the helmet which I forgot to do on my previous pass.
Update on my Goblin sculpt, I've been on holiday the past couple weeks but obviously I've not gone anywhere so I've spent it putting in some proper time on this guy. I'm getting close to finishing the high poly I think, mostly just damage on the rest of the metal parts now and I'll probably do another pass or two on the rest of the tertiary forms.
I've started work on the high poly of the hammer which I thought it was high time I started on.