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If want to get employed, Is it crucial for a 3d character modeler to know retopology ?

polycounter lvl 6
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focus_method polycounter lvl 6
Would it be  fair if a 3d character modeler is not responsible for retopology but rigger or animator to be responsible for that part because they should know how retopo should be made because of the animating process.. 
I mean, 3d character modeler have already a lot of responsibility such as sculpting/modeling, organic, hard surface, details, clothes, props,texturing,grooming and + retopo  :'(

How much real is expecting a job as a character modeler without retopo skills or it s a MUST ?


  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 20
    I'd never hire an artist that cant finish their work
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
     it s a MUST ?
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    ....I mean, 3d character modeler have already a lot of responsibility such as modeling......

    If you can model, you can retopo. It's the same thing. Only difference is when you do it. People who avoid task that they think are boring or tedious usually make lousy team members.
  • focus_method
  • Andreicus
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    Andreicus polycounter lvl 6
    If you are talking about games or movies the answer is yes ( just look at the requirements in the jobs posting ).

    If you are talking about concept art/design, 3d printing or similar than no. There are many freelance artists that make amazing characters/creatures that are not meant for final production so they don't do any retopo or UVs. Check out ArtStation.
    However i think that it's still better to know how to create something from 0 to 100 without skipping any steps.

    The artists that don't make production ready models probably know how to do the various technical tasks such as retopo and UVs but they are focusing on something else where they don't need them.
  • radiancef0rge
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Whats your problem with retopoing?
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    don't think its thats uncommon to hate retopo, some companies actually outsource it
    its like the marmite of the CG world
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    Retopo is the main job.

    All the sculpting and other tasks you mentioned are optional. There are plenty of games that don't have normal maps or any kind of baked texturing. But every game has a low poly model. 
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    retopo is arguably more important then the highres lol.  better learn it.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    The OP's question goes really well with his unfinished looking avatar. :)

    Out of all the listed tasks I'd say sculpting is the least important part of a production-job - and the easiest to outsource. Don't get fooled by Artstation.

  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    Would it be  fair if a 3d character modeler - 3d character modeler have already a lot of responsibility such as sculpting/modeling, organic, hard surface, details, clothes, props,texturing,grooming
    idk much but do they outsource sculpting? cause it sounds like you would fit in there perfectly, all you got to do is what you want to do, you just don't get to color it.
    So become a character sculptor, i see a lot of those and it has a wide range of usage apart from games.
    If you want games you have to follow the flow, retopo isn't even hard it could just be boring i guess, i dont have a problem with it, what gets me cooking are HANDS! =p but i've been doing that a bit more now that doesn't seem bad it takes time to love what you once hated.
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    isn't even hard it could just be boring i guessDavidCruz said:
    Would it be  fair if a 3d character modeler - 3d character modeler have already a lot of responsibility such as sculpting/modeling, organic, hard surface, details, clothes, props,texturing,grooming
    idk much but do they outsource sculpting? cause it sounds like you would fit in there perfectly, all you got to do is what you want to do, you just don't get to color it.
    So become a character sculptor, i see a lot of those and it has a wide range of usage apart from games.
    If you want games you have to follow the flow, retopo isn't even hard it could just be boring i guess, i dont have a problem with it, what gets me cooking are HANDS! =p but i've been doing that a bit more now that doesn't seem bad it takes time to love what you once hated.
    I'm gonna have to disagree with ya there.  There is a ton of nuance to retopoing a mesh that will deform well in game.  I'm also not a fan of outsourcing this as it usually comes back a mess more often then not.  The good outsourcing studios all have AAA level character guys who know proper edge flow....those guys I would trust.  If you don't want to do retopo, you could always go into collectibles or statues.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range

    Heck, I've been in sitautions where we had to repologize outsourced character art assets because a new tech artist that came on had significant improvements he wanted to make that required us going back into detail retopologize areas.
  • Eric Chadwick
    @focus_method moving this from General Discussion to Career & Education.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    If you know how to model properly, i mean, working with polygons and topologies, it's not a must for all modellers. Unless if you use Zbrush for almost all. Retopo tools are not very difficult to learn, and you just need a few hours to learn it. It's just a part of the modelling tools we have, a very small part. For example, you can learn how to use the retopo tools in Blender watching a few videos in Youtube.

    What you really need is quality.

    Personally, I don't use retopo at all, and i only use the tools with 3d scanned/photogrammetry models. It's a boring job, but there's no choice.

    For me, retopo it's not a must at all (it's not the most important thing). A must is for example all that know-how or technical aspects such as topology understanding. Traditional modeling, UV optimization, and ability to create clean and solid meshes with good topology for deformations and UV seams.

    Each one use the method they are more comfortable with. I prefer to model a good subdivision model from the very beginning and later, work on a Zbrush or Mudbox pass for more details. I think it's a good practice and the best way to save time and effort, at least if you have a good concept/idea very well planned.

    This is a -low effort workflow- without retopo i shared here a decade ago. hope it helps.

  • Larry
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    Larry interpolator
    I believe the work required to be a hireable chatacter artist does not compare at all with learning retopo and the loop specifications... Honestly it's probably 2-4weeks worth of work
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    Larry said:
    I believe the work required to be a hireable chatacter artist does not compare at all with learning retopo and the loop specifications... Honestly it's probably 2-4weeks worth of work

    You can always learn something about how to properly build a lowpoly.
    And with 'edge flow' I mean every triangle edge.

    Just last year I had some fun time going through the edge flow of breath-of-the-wild-links fingers. 

    There are just so many ways you can do it wrong with a plain "nude" figure. Not to mention more complex armor / cloth / creatures topology. 
    I have to admit I'm bit picky regarding edge flow, though. :blush:
    This really takes some time getting an eye for it. 2-4 Weeks will get you barely running imo.
  • marks
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    marks greentooth

    If a candidate didn't know how to do this, I'd be asking serious questions about what other basic skills they don't know.
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