So lets say, you use photogrammetry/scanning of a "flat" (ground) surfaces like ehm.. ground :-), or a brick wall etc. - somewhat "flat" surfaces. You want to make them tilable - ALL the maps (diffuse, normal, displacement etc.) What programs to use to make the process of making them tileable as EASY and as fast as possible? You have to make all the maps tilable at once, the "painting out" of seams must match on all maps exactly.
AFAIK the best aproach so far is to paint it out manually (all the maps at once) in Substance painter.
But is there even better/easier/faster solution?
For example, the best solution AFAIK is to use the program from Artomatix
, which DOES automatically removed seams on ALL the textures of the scan AT ONCE and make them ALL TILEABLE, with only few clicks, automatic. Its beautiful really... But the program is "weird", im not sure how much it costs, they dont provide price AFAIK, you must "ask them" (wtf) and its weird, maybe still in beta i dont know.
SO... can the same (AUTOMATIC seam removal of ALL MAPS (diffuse, displacement, normal etc.) AT ONCE/SAME TIME and make it tileable) can this be done in the same way (more or less) as artomatix does it but in another program? Doesnt SUbstance painter offer some automatic seam removal?
How about substance designer...? Isnt there some "node" that does this? "Automatic seam removal"?
I know you can remove automaticly seams and make the texture tilable in substance other program - Bitamp2Material, and its automatic. BUT (!) its not really meant for processing scan image data, AFAIK, it only works with diffuse (!) , makes it tileable, and ONLY THEN extracts the displacement and normals etc. JUST and ONLY from the diffuse, which are of course not at all as high quality as the original scan data of normals/displacement etc.
SO... Is there some program that makes me process scan data and make it tileable, automaticly remove seams? I would think substance painter and designer can do this now, but im not sure (im not really familiar with both programs)... ?? Or is Artomatix really so far the only way for this?
"smart auto tile" would be the tool you're looking for.