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Portfolio Advide

polycounter lvl 5
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KatharinaSuhany polycounter lvl 5
Hello everybody!
I am an aspiring 3D Artist searching help looking over my currently small portfolio to improve myself as well as my art.
It would be great to get some insight on mistakes I may have made and some general tips and experience with portfolio building. 
You can find my portfolio under:

Thank you in advance! :)


  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    Oh, definitely feeling the creature and animal work in your folio. If thats something you enjoy definitely keep persuing that. Adore the little Atelier gryphon critters, they have a lot of personality and I immediately recognized them! :3<3

    If I had to pick a weak point that stands out, I'd say your lighting needs work. everything needs to be brighter, more contrasting, or both.
    example from your student creature work:

    The Atelier scenes are a bit better, but I think you're relying too much on the HDRI to provide the key lighting when you do need to be adding that in yourself. I'd probably lower the brightness of the skylight a little and then drop in a key/rim/fill light and use THOSE to bring the lighting up again. Bigger dioramas and environments will obviously need more work than a basic setup like that, too.

    The faceting on some of the objects, like the plates and cups is a little obvious, and occasionally the material definition is odd (why isnt the spilled tea liquid and shiny...?). I'm also not sure if you turned on post processing like ambient occlusion and local reflections which makes it look floaty/CG.

    All in all I think you really just need to keep creating stuff? Maybe work on your scene composition for bigger pieces, but its hard to tell with only the student environment + the one piece. I'm looking forward to seeing more from you!
  • Deniell
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    Deniell triangle
    I'm not the one who should give any advice because not expert (nor even amateur :D ) but I believe that the veterans will tell you that it's not very clear which direction you want to go, if enviroments or creatures. I don't want to say anything about quality because I have problem with that myself but I like the mood in your Abandoned Castle. :)
  • Zi0
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    Zi0 polycounter
    I would say that you need to work on your materials a lighting more, everything looks flat.
    Also things like tea cups and other round objects could use more polys especially when you take close up shots of them.

  • KatharinaSuhany
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    KatharinaSuhany polycounter lvl 5
    Thank you very much for all the comments, I will definetly put them to use!  :3
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