Hello, I wanted to ask you for your help. How can I render in Blender Cycles my model with wireframe on it ?
I googled and found out about wireframe node in Rendering, but this node is adding wireframe how pc is seeing it (all tris). And I would like to render my actual wireframe (quads and ngons too). Is it possible ?
Thank you
If you need more help, it would be helpful to post some images.
There is a workaround; select all your objects, tab to enter multi object edit mode to see the meshes, set viewport to Cycles render (with enough viewport render samples), wait for the image to clean up enough and use the Windows Snipping tool to crop out what you need. Not ideal, but works well enough.
It would be nice if the material wireframe node gave us the option to not triangulate the mesh though.
Icosphere and taurus with subdiv and a squashed cube.