Hey all,
I decided to try my hands at remaking one of my favorite levels from one of my favorite games - you guessed it - its another HL2 remake.
For those that don't know what i am talking about here are some screens from the game:
So i started by importing the original map with a tool called Crafty and the result is this:
Tweaked the materials a bit and enabled RTX here and there.
Then by mistake i enabled physics and this happened:
and this
But enough distractions!
The goal here is to recreate this map or a part of it as a piece of portfolio.
I will be doing all models and textures myself with a dash of help from Megascans, maybe.
So i started kinda in the middle and did some barrels:
And here they are in UE4 with their friend the pallet:
See ya next time!